October 2024 Webinar| Christine Barnes: Color Your Wearable Art (Zoom Only)

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October 2024 Webinar| Christine Barnes: Color Your Wearable Art (Zoom Only)
October 12, 10:30AM-noon, PDT

“Color theory” for wearable art? Sounds a bit academic, but there are classic color combination concepts that you can consciously apply to your fabric choices when planning a garment. The key is in the basics: how light or dark a color is (value), how warm or cool (visual temperature), and how bright or dull (intensity). And with the color wheel, an amazing tool for wearable artists and quilters alike, you will see new possibilities for creative color combinations. Of course, color usually involves pattern and texture, so we’ll include those de-sign elements in the conversation, too. Come see-and take the color challenge!
Christine’s quilting life began when she was eight or nine, making a doll quilt on her crank Singer sewing machine. She asked her grandmother what was inside a quilt, and she said “cotton.” Christine stuffed her little quilt with cotton balls—and wondered why it was lumpy! But she perse-vered and learned to sew clothing and more quilts. After college she worked at Sunset Publishing, wrote the book, Quilting, Patchwork & Appliqué, and other book chapters on color theory. Christine has spent many years teaching color theory to quilters and publishes a newsletter called Christine’s Color Connection


This is a Zoom Webinar simulcast, free to all active PenWAG members.

Guests may join; a $10 contribution is requested to help defray our costs

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