April 13 Simulcast | Harriete Berman: Prestige, Value, and Identity

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Harriete Berman: Prestige, Value, and Identity

Harriete Estel Berman has been creating jewelry from post-consumer tin cans since 1988, transforming mundane materials from the refuse of our consumer society into meaningful layers of social commentary.

Familiar images and patterns ranging from bar codes to brand name icons are ironically metamorphosed in her bracelets, pins, and earrings.  They explore the seduction of advertising and marketing that promotes brand recognition and loyalty as personal identification.  These materials are not as precious as gold or silver, but in many ways reflect more accurately the values of our culture.

In the past few years, Berman has expanded her repertoire of materials to use post-consumer plastic as an extraordinary environmental statement creating imaginative jewelry from even more unexpected materials.

Berman’s jewelry was recently featured in a PBS program produced by Craft In America titled, “Jewelry”. 

This is an hybrid seminar and Zoom simulcast, free to all active PenWAG members.

Guests may join; a $5 contribution is requested to help defray our costs

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