December 2024 Simulcast | Carol Ziogas: Stitching the Sky

Stitching the Sky – History of Sashiko in pre 20th century Japan
Carol Ziogas has been collecting vintage Japanese kimonos for more than 20 years ago. She enriched her knowledge with extensive research, learning the history, and developing a love of traditional Japanese stitching. Carol’s presentation will include a display of 19th and 20th century Japanese textiles including indigo, shibori, katazome, kimono, and sashiko pieces.
In Japan, sashiko stitching was first applied to clothing out of a practical need and would have been used to strengthen the homespun clothes of the time. Worn out clothes were pieced together to make new garments by using simple running stitches. After these garments wore out, they would been used to layer thin fabrics to create warmth, and, in the case of some garments such as the coats of firemen, to create a thick and absorbent material that would be soaked in water before carrying out duties as a fireman.
Carol lives in Alameda, CA and owns Kimonomomo, which specializes in new and vintage Japanese textiles and sashiko supplies, on Etsy.
December 14, 2024: 10:30-noon PST
Saratoga Senior Center
19655 Allendale Avenue, Saratoga, CA 95070
(Park at Civic Center)
This is a hybrid seminar and Zoom simulcast, free to all active PenWAG members.
Guests may join; a $10 contribution is requested to help defray our costs
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