Suzi Click Artisan Apparel & Accessories presents The Power of Adornment– a presentation of her evolution as a designer recognized for her own unique personal style using ethnic textiles.
Talking about her inspirations from an early age and throughout her career and how she now combines her passions for travel and textiles as she combs the world visiting women of traditional style and weavers in remote places to discover textile traditions that she feels need to be shown to the world.
She shows you how she takes these textiles and combines them in her work as a wearable art designer.
11:00 – 1:00 via Zoom
This program is free to all Active PenWAG members; registration and login information will be sent via electronic communications.
Non-members may register to attend as a guest for a $5 contribution, which may be paid via our online enrollment store. Registration and login information will be sent after payment is processed.
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