October 2025 Webinar | Harriet Riddell: Travels Around the World with a Sewing Machine, Art as a Tool of Communication

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Harriet Riddell: Travels Around the World with a Sewing Machine,
Art as a Tool of Communication (Zoom only, extended session)

Harriet tells tales of her ventures around the globe, stitching portraits and landscapes, and powered by a bicycle!

Then she will do an actual portrait stitching of someone of our choice.

A sewing machine sketch done by Harriet Riddell a couple of years ago. Note that this was over Zoom, and she did not use any pen or pencil. Her work is to sketch a subject solely on a sewing machine starting with the subject’s eyes, then filling in the face, then the rest. I am enclosing a photo of Dana’s sketch. If there is a way of explaining the sewing stitching, not conventional sketching!”









October 11, 2025: 10:30-noon PST
Online Zoom presentation

This is a Zoom webinar, free to all active PenWAG members.

Guests may join; a $10 contribution is requested to help defray our costs

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