March 11 Workshop/Play Day – Surface Design on Fabric
Love surface design? Want to play with company?
Join us for a hosted play session with Michelle Paganini and Mary Reynolds.
Michelle and Mary will focus on a review of how to use the Paintstiks© many of us purchased from Laura Murry (October 2020).
We will have Paintstiks©, and stencil brushes for class use, and will bring some of our own stencils and printing blocks/stamps.
Supplies to bring:
- Dark fabric that has been prewashed if you intend to wash the item later. Smooth surfaces transfer better than textured fabrics.
- Paintstiks©, if you want your own, or you can pre-purchase with link above.
- Stencils, stiff bristle stencil brushes (and/or small cosmetic sponges), rubbing plates, rubber stamps, etc. to use under the fabric and rub the Paintstiks© over
- Rags and small containers for cleaning
- Plastic bags/wrap to cover your newly stenciled fabric for transport home
- Please – bring examples of work you may have already done to share
Note: Any surface design supplies/projects are welcome. Sewing with fabric you have printed yourself gives you something totally unique!
Cost: $25.00 to cover the room fee & supplies (Paintstiks© & brushes for class use)
Campbell Community Center
1 West Campbell Ave, Campbell, CA 95008