If you have checked our web site in the last months, you may have noticed that we don’t have a masthead. The original idea was to have a rotating
masthead that we could alter at will, which would showcase our creative wearables. That never happened due to technical difficulties that I would understand just about the same time you would see a pink pig flying overhead. The great news is that now our own personal IT guys, (take a deep bow Kevin and Andrew) have figured out how to accomplish exactly what we need with the minimum of hassle.
I’m going to digress just a bit here but I’ll get back to the masthead issue shortly. In our last Board meeting I was struck by the thought that if something happened to Kevin, we would be in a deep mire because no one else has been trained to do any of the technical tasks he has undertaken over the years. He agrees with me, that some knowledgeable helpers who could take over some of these tasks would be wise and helpful. So, we are looking for four or five members who are willing to learn the how-to of rotating
mastheads. You don’t have to be a computer wizard but you must be comfortable with learning how to navigate on the computer. If you would like to know a bit more about this before making a commitment, just email webmaster@penwag.org and Kevin will be happy to talk with you. If you can remember to do so, would you cc president@penwag.org so that Marcia and I will know if we have been successful with this plea.
Thank you, stay well, and “see you” at the June meeting!