Need to Renew Your Membership?
Is it time to renew your PenWAG membership? It's easy! [...]
Is it time to renew your PenWAG membership? It's easy! [...]
New Year -- New Program! We're so excited to [...]
Check out what's available in our Online Signups
Our October webinar, a gift-making roundtable featuring presentations by Marcia [...]
Peninsula Wearable Art Guild’s 2021 Scholarships: Mariana Briskin and [...]
Peninsula Wearable Art Guild’s 2020 Scholarships: Josie Harris and [...]
If you have checked our web [...]
Something occurred earlier this month and I got [...]
December: Potluck and Stash Sale This is the PenWAG year-end [...]
Lecture: 1: Inspiration and Textiles For Your Wearable Art Creations... [...]