Mary Lou discovered during her many years of teaching that the largest sewing problems rarely are connected to sewing skills.  Most often, the problems occur in picking out the right fabric for a pattern design.  She knows PenWAG members are very creative – she has seen our creations at sewing and fashion shows.  What she will explore with us in this workshop are ways to open some creative doors to encompass a wider range of opportunities to use fabrics and colors in unexpected ways.  Sometimes adding something very small can make a design stand out as special.  Sometimes by using unexpected colors and textures in a design you can create that “ohhhh!” moment.  We all have fabric….now let’s throw it all up in the air and see where it lands!

June 11 2017 supply list


Villa Teresa Mobile Home Park

5680 Santa Teresa Blvd, San Jose, CA 95126

10:00 to 4:30 PM   6 1/2 hour workshop

Class size: 20 students

$85 members, $100 guests