ANNOUNCING:Peninsula Wearable Arts Guild (PenWAG) Scholarship Competition 2018
The Peninsula Wearable Arts Guild (PenWAG) is pleased to announce it’s annual scholarship opportunity for students currently enrolled in a Fashion Design or Textile Arts program.
Our objective is to encourage and support study in fashion and textile arts as well as to introduce new and upcoming talent to our PenWAG organization. We offer one $1000.00 scholarship to a student studying at the community college level and one $500.00 scholarship to a student studying at the 11th or 12th grade high school level. In addition, each winner will also receive a one-year PenWAG membership.
Scholarship winners will be based upon the following criterion:
- Portfolio/application/personal statement
- Goals and Philosophy
- References
- Skill and technique
- Instructor recommendation
- Semi-final interview
Our timeline for this year is as follows:
April 28, 2018: Applications due to the PenWAG Scholarship Committee with instructor recommendations and portfolio original or copy.
Semi-final interviews will be conducted on Saturday May 5th and Sunday, May 6th.
May 12th: Scholarships will be presented at the PenWAG meeting
(Campbell Community Center 12:30P.M.)
Scholarship winners are required to attend the meeting and to present a brief “show and tell”.
For full details and application packets visit the PenWAG Scholarship Web Page